A Mantra to Live By

Every so often I read something that really gets my attention and makes me think. This recently happened during a webinar wherein my take-away could be a life changer. Thus far it has proved its worth.

It’s a mantra of sorts and one that can add to your core beliefs if you say it often enough. I offer it up to you in the hopes that it will help in your daily life. Memorize it. Make copies and spread it around where you go, where you’ll see it. Say it to yourself everyday and believe it.

“Things are always working out for me.”  🙂


Hopefully making a ruckus, one blog post at a time!

Be sure to check out my other blog, Ideasnmoreblog, for a different kind of playground for creativity, innovation and inspiring stuff.

And, check out various creative selections from ideasnmore.net.

Jolan tru!

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